The All India Anglo Indian Association, Bangalore Branch

The official website of the All India Anglo Indian Association, Bangalore Branch

  • Entertainment Sub-Committee

    The Entertainment Sub-Committee (SC) is led by a Vice President and selected committee members and is responsible for but not limited to promoting social, cultural, sports, community development and other events through the year. The SC conducts several events through the year that is aimed at bringing the community members together and to raise funds to support the association’s charitable actvities.

  • Education Sub-Committee

    The Education Sub-Committee (SC) is led by a Vice President and selected committee members and is responsible for the key goal of promoting and supporting school and college education within the community. The SC also oversees the identification, review, selection and distribution of annual school scholarships and from time to time will conduct various education and skills development programs.

  • Finance Sub-Committee

    The Finance Sub-Committee (SC) is led by a Vice President and selected committee members and is responsible for but not limited to overall financial governance and discipline. The SC prepares an annual budget, allocates funds for events and activities, keeps accounts, conducts fund raising activities and is responsible for general bookkeeping and publishing of the annual statement or accounts each year.

  • Upcoming and Recent Events


    The Republic Day Football Festival will be held on 27th January. Register today

    Latest News

    Tuesday, 8 January 2019

    The Masquerade Ball - Christmas Dance 2018

    We witnessed a packed house! A dance floor that had no room to even stand and a band that was amazing! Our members and guest told us it was a great show! Very classy and so much fun! Thanks to everyone for supporting us right through and understanding that a handful of amateurs putting togEther a show that even professional event managers struggle with is bound to have some minor glitches! Thanks for being there, everything went of smoothly! We look forward to entertaining you more this new year!